It’s very common that when a company does custom development there isn’t enough budget to create useful reports.

The requirements for information changes all the time, what we need today is not what we will need tomorrow.

Development team needs a tool for rapid delivery of information over the current data sources.

Data providers gives the possibility to build dashboard in minutes and share them among the entire organization in a few clicks without custom code, external libraries, complex deployments, or data experts.

Just connect your database, write a SQL query, visualize the results and share ?

Main benefits

  • You’ll get the needed information fast ⏰
  • It will reduce the cost in development efforts ?
  • Will keep your development team focus in the important not in the urgent ?
  • You won’t need write code changes in your core system to get information ?
  • No need to develop nor deploy new applications ?
  • No need to manage a new server ?
  • Literally plug and play ?


Data ProvidersData StudioModePower BIHolisticTableau
Cloud Base
Self Hosted
Data Analysis
Pivot Tables
Mix Datasources

Start Now for Free

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